a person signing document papers

Apply for SOMAH using PowerClerk

Congratulations, and thank you for choosing to install solar on your property with support from the SOMAH Program.

Applications are accepted through our online portal, PowerClerk, which tracks your projects' progress and keeps your paperwork organized in one location. Keep in mind, we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Apply or Login to access the PowerClerk system:

Not sure if your property's deed restriction or regulatory agreement meets SOMAH's eligibility? Submit an Affordability Prescreen Request.

Explore the Milestones and Steps


Upfront Technical Assistance Request (Optional)

This is the first step for property owners to understand the solar potential for their site, associated costs and the benefits of moving forward with a SOMAH project.

Upfront Technical Assistance Request

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Upfront Technical Assistance Request

SOMAH is dedicated to working closely with tribal entities to support clean energy goals and tenant economic benefits for multifamily affordable housing properties. Use the Tribal Affordability Requirements Guide to learn more about eligibility information and related resources to apply for SOMAH incentives.

Upfront TA services assist the property owner in understanding the solar potential for their site, the associated costs and the benefits of moving forward with a SOMAH project.

To get started, visit Section 4.1 of the application guide.

Watch this video to learn how to submit your PowerClerk application.

Finding and selecting a contractor is a part of the Upfront Technical Assistance process. We will work with you every step of the way to obtain multiple project bids from contractors to understand the costs and benefits of each bid. SOMAH's Technical Assistance and Support Services will help guide you along the way, but you can still learn how to find a contractor at Plan Your Next Steps .

Learn more about Upfront Technical Assistance and how to navigate the process of going solar with the Upfront Technical Assistance E-Book.

Read the Costs, Incentives and Financial Basics E-Book to learn about solar installation expenses and available financial options.

Request TA Support

Not sure if you're ready to apply? Fill out the TA Request Form


Reservation Request Package

Complete the reservation request package to determine if your property is eligible and reserve your incentives.

Reservation Request Package

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Reservation Request Package

SOMAH is dedicated to working closely with tribal entities to support clean energy goals and tenant economic benefits for multifamily affordable housing properties. Use the Tribal Affordability Requirements Guide to learn more about eligibility information and related resources to apply for SOMAH incentives.

In the first phase of the Reservation Request, the SOMAH PA will determine the property’s eligibility, calculate the estimated incentive, and request aggregated consumption data from the property’s corresponding IOU.

Watch this tutorial to learn what you’ll need to submit during this phase, including information about the host customer, project site, system owner, applicant, solar contractor, PV system, and any required documentation.

After the SOMAH PA has received annual property usage data from the IOU, applicants must confirm the specifications of their PV system to calculate their final reserved incentive amount.

Watch this tutorial to learn more about the required forms, the application deposit, and how to finalize your submission.

SOMAH applicants applying for systems 10 kW or larger are required to submit an application deposit that can be paid by the property owner or a third party on their behalf. The amount of the deposit is based on the system size.

An application deposit invoice will not be issued and a deposit not required for priority group applications. Priority groups include DAC and tribal properties.

Application deposits are forfeited for cancelled or withdrawn applications. Previously forfeited application deposits may be re-used only for cancelled projects that re-enter with a new application, and only up to the total dollar amount of the prior application deposit.

kWs Deposit
10-50 $1,250
50-100 $2,500
100-250 $5,000
250-500 $10,000
500-1000 $20,000

Use SOMAH’s Incentive Estimator to provide you with an approximate incentive range for your property. Contractors with specific system equipment, please log in to access the PowerClerk Incentive Estimator.

In July 2019, HUD released a memo that rendered the majority of HUD properties with Project-based Section 8 funding eligible for SOMAH. However, properties with the following HUD funding remain ineligible:

  • Section 101 Rent Supplement
  • Section 236 Rental Assistance Payment (RAP)
  • Section 221(d)(3) and (4) Below Market Interest Rate (BMIR)

Read the official HUD memo to learn more.


Energy Efficiency Compliance Milestone

This milestone will determine if the system size and incentive amount reserved are in line with SOMAH Program sizing requirements.

Energy Efficiency Compliance Milestone

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Energy Efficiency Compliance Milestone

  • Solar Sizing Tool
  • Whole Building Audit Checklist
  • Submit one of the following.
    • Pathway 1: Complete whole-building walkthrough audit
    • Pathway 2: Participate in whole-building programs
    • Projects may be randomly selected for site verifications

The Energy Efficiency Compliance Milestone is the second step of the SOMAH application process and helps determine if the system size and incentive amount reserved are in line with SOMAH’s sizing requirements. This milestone is due 90 days after Reservation Approval.

Watch this video to learn how to complete this process in PowerClerk.

A step-by-step resource used to identify low-cost energy savings opportunities using built-in energy saving calculations to help size the solar photovoltaic (PV system based on actual electricity consumption. to help applicants size SOMAH). Learn more about the Solar Sizing Tool.

Capitalized as shown in brand guidelines.

Energy audits are the first step toward discovering ways to implement energy savings, cut energy bills and increase building performance. To meet this requirement, participants must hire a credentialed energy auditor to provide a whole-building energy efficiency walkthrough audit. SOMAH has an energy auditor database for your SOMAH project. 

Participants who choose this pathway must provide proof of enrollment in one of the following:

  • Recent or active participation in an approved whole-building energy efficiency program. Documentation of enrollment in any of the following whole-building energy efficiency programs fulfills this requirement.
  • Documentation of a California Tax Credit Allocation Committee building rehabilitation that was completed within the past three years from the submission of the SOMAH application.
  • Documentation that the property was completely constructed under 2013 Title 24.

To find other programs that offer ways to finance energy upgrades and improvements that can be combined with SOMAH, please visit our Stackable Programs page.

Program Eligibility Utility
Low Income Weatherization Program (Multifamily) 66% of Units at 80% AMI or located in a DAC All IOUs
Energy Upgrade California N/A PG&E, SCE & SDG&E
SoCalREN Multifamily Program N/A Joint customers of SCE+SoCalGas
BayREN Multifamily Program N/A PG&E customers

Proof of Project Milestone

Submit the solar contract to determine if it meets SOMAH requirements.

Proof of Project Milestone

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Proof of Project Milestone

The Proof of Project Milestone is the third step in the SOMAH application process and is used to determine if the solar contract between the Host Customer and contractor meets SOMAH requirements. The submission is due 240 days after Reservation Approval.

Watch this video to learn more about how to complete this process in PowerClerk.

Active SOMAH applications that have not yet submitted the Incentive Claim Milestone documentation may request the revised incentive level via the VersaForm request. Supporting documentation is also required in order to demonstrate that the increased incentive rates will improve the economic viability of the project and/or increase tenant benefit for improved terms for the property owner. Review the Revised Incentive Checklist to see the required documentation.

All SOMAH projects are required to hire eligible job trainees and follow all job training requirements. The size of the installation will determine the number of required trainees and work hours. Read the Job Training Requirements e-book to learn more.

The solar contract between the host customer and contractor is reviewed by the SOMAH Program Administrators during the Proof of Project milestone. There are two types of system ownerships: host customer owned and third-party owned. Learn more about financing and ownership options at Costs, Incentives & Financial Basics.

Participating property owners must complete the tenant education requirement by engaging and educating their tenants about SOMAH. SOMAH provides education materials on energy efficiency, time-of-use (TOU) rates, bill interpretation and solar training opportunities for project tenants that are available in multiple languages. Requests for tenant education assistance can be made on the SOMAH Tenant Services Intake Form.


Progress Payment Pathway

An alternative payment option to receive 60% of the incentive payment at an earlier milestone.

Progress Payment Pathway

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Progress Payment Pathway

If eligible, projects may choose to opt into the Progress Payment Pathway. While the incentive payment is typically paid with the approved Incentive Claim Package, the progress payment allows for a partial incentive payment (60% of total approved incentive) at an earlier stage. This benefit can reduce barriers to participation for those who face capital constraints with carrying the cost of a project until completion.

The Progress Payment Pathway is an alternative payment option that allows an applicant to receive 60% of the incentive payment at an earlier milestone. This optional step can reduce barriers to participation for those who face capital constraints.

Watch this video to learn about how to complete this process in PowerClerk.

  • Received Proof of Project Milestone approval
  • Be more than two months away from the Incentive Claim Milestone
  • Complete a virtual walkthrough to confirm the system location and that the installation is mechanically complete
    • This virtual walkthrough will be conducted with a member of the SOMAH PA and an on-site contact.

Incentive Claim Package

Submit the last documents and go through an inspection process to receive incentive payment.

Incentive Claim Package

Hover over the flowchart to learn about the different steps.


Flowchart for Incentive Claim Package

The Incentive Claim Package is the last step of the SOMAH application process and includes submission of final documents and completion of final inspection.

Watch this video to learn more about how to complete this process in PowerClerk.

Applicants can submit a Reservation Expiration Extension Request if they have reached Proof of Project Milestone Approved status.

Watch this video tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to submit an extension request in PowerClerk.

For projects to receive the final SOMAH incentive, all SOMAH Program requirements must be met, and a complete Incentive Claim Package must be submitted prior to the deadline. Upon final approval of the Incentive Claim Package and a completed field inspection, the SOMAH PA will issue the incentive payment through check or electronic payment.

All projects must undergo a field inspection and be approved prior to receiving the incentive payment. Watch this video to learn more about what takes place during an on-site inspection.

Congratulations for going solar! We want to celebrate this moment with you by planning a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Reach out to media@calsomah.org to get started with the celebration!