The SOMAH Program is designed to help tenants like you
If your building has qualified for the SOMAH Program
- You will receive direct financial benefits on your energy bill.
- You will not see an increase in rent due to the solar system being installed.
- You will not be responsible for the maintenance or operational costs of the solar system.
- Your building will be powered by clean renewable energy.
- You will have access to paid job training opportunities.
- Your enrollment in other programs will not be impacted.
For any questions, call the Tenant Hotline at 1-800-843-9728
How SOMAH Helps Tenants
How does SOMAH work?
SOMAH ensures long-term, direct economic benefits for tenants and households.
When solar panels are installed by an approved SOMAH contractor, they will provide clean energy for your home and common areas like the laundry room, hallways and community spaces. Your property owner or a contractor will handle the maintenance and operation of these solar panels. Once the solar system is installed and turned on, you will notice credits that will lower your monthly utility bill and also have the opportunity to enroll in energy efficiency programs to help further energy savings.
The money savings makes us most excited, being able to save $50 a month will really help out. We'll be able to go on a family vacation and buy clothes.

Maria Garcia
We're all for reusing energy to not damage the planet we need to save everything we can while we can, so we don't have another shortage of energy.

Christian Vasquez
Tips for Saving Energy at Home
More about the SOMAH Program
Maximize Your Savings
Curious to learn more about the SOMAH Program, how it will affect your utility bill and how solar works? Learn more by visiting our Resource Library.
Get Paid-on-the-Job Training Experience
The SOMAH Program is designed to help the environment and our economy.
Explore a new career in the sustainable and renewable energy industry by visiting the Job Training Eligibility page and learn about our paid, on-the-job training opportunities.