proof of project milestone

Proof of Project Milestone PowerClerk Tutorial

Applicants will submit the solar contract during the Proof of Project Milestone to determine if it meets SOMAH requirements. Watch this short video to learn more.

progress payment pathway

Progress Payment Pathway PowerClerk Tutorial

Watch this video to learn how to successfully submit a Progress Payment request.

energy efficiency compliance milestone

Energy Efficiency Compliance Milestone PowerClerk Tutorial

Learn how to successfully complete the second step of the SOMAH application process.

Reservation Request Phase 1

Reservation Request Phase I PowerClerk Tutorial

Learn how to successfully complete the first phase of the first step in the SOMAH application process.

Educational Resource
flowchart illustration

PowerClerk Status Flowcharts

Utilize this flowchart as a guide while navigating PowerClerk to understand the different statuses that your SOMAH project may encounter.

eBook cover

Introduction to SOMAH Fleet Monitoring

Learn how SOMAH’s fleet monitoring can support property owners and contractors after a solar installation.

SOMAH tenants

Partner Spotlight: Self Help Enterprises & Proteus

SOMAH relies on partnerships with community-based and job training organizations like Self Help Enterprises and Proteus to deliver solar benefits to environmental justice communities across the Central Valley.

how to apply for upfront technical assistance

How to Apply for Upfront Technical Assistance

Watch this step-by-step video of how to submit an Upfront Technical Assistance application on PowerClerk.

energy metering

Virtual Net Energy Metering (VNEM) Overview

Watch this video to learn more about VNEM and how it provides tenants with direct benefits of their apartment's solar system.