June 2024

SOMAH job trainee


Job Training Overview

Are you seeking clarity on the job training requirements of the SOMAH Program? Look no further than the Job Training Overview webinar, designed to simplify the process for you.

Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Job Seekers, Job training organizations

Event Type: Webinar

12:00 pm


Multifamily Rooftop solar


Applicant & Contractor Office Hours: Technical Assistance and Support Services

This webinar series is designed to support SOMAH eligible contractors  who have questions about starting SOMAH projects. This session will highlight Technical Assistance and Support Services available to contractors.  Attendees are encouraged to bring any additional general questions to the open Q&A session.

Audience: Contractors, Property owners

Event Type: Webinar

11:00 am


May 2024

tenants listening


Tenant Education Training

How do you successfully complete SOMAH’s Tenant Education Requirement and help your tenants be more comfortable with the changes happening in their building?  

This webinar will help contractors and property owners by sharing tips and tactics for communicating and connecting with tenant communities.

Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Property owners

Event Type:

11:00 am


April 2024

Solar installed on multifamily property


Applicant & Contractor Eligibility Training

This online webinar is a prerequisite for eligibility to install photovoltaic systems through the SOMAH Program. Each contractor and subcontractor must have at least one webinar participant who holds an A, B, C-10 or C-46 license and whose name is identified under the business’s name on the Contractors State License Board webpage.

Audience: Contractors, Property owners

Event Type: Webinar

10:00 am


aerial view of apartment with solar panels


Making Solar Easy with SOMAH's Technical Assistance Services

Have you considered installing solar on your multifamily affordable housing property? Attend this webinar to learn how the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program can subsidize solar project costs and help you save on your property’s energy bills.

Audience: Property owners

Event Type: Webinar

11:00 am


March 2024

solar contractor installing solar panels


Job Training Overview

Are you seeking clarity on the job training requirements of the SOMAH Program? Look no further than the Job Training Overview webinar, designed to simplify the process for you.

Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Job Seekers, Job training organizations, Property owners, Tenants

Event Type: Webinar

12:00 pm


Solar panels


Applicant & Contractor Office Hours: SOMAH Program Handbook Updates

This webinar series is designed to support SOMAH eligible contractors  who have questions about starting SOMAH projects. This session will highlight  program handbook changes and new SOMAH eligibility requirements.  Attendees are encouraged  to bring any additional general questions to the open Q&A session.

Audience: Contractors

Event Type: Webinar

09:30 am


man speaking in public


2024 Housing California Annual Conference

Join us for Housing California's 2024 Conference! This year's conference will be centered around housing's next chapter, including a focus on creating affordable housing, ending homelessness, protecting low-income renters and more.

Audience: Contractors, Potential partners, Property owners

Event Type: Conference


Long Beach Convention Center

February 2024

forum event photo


Public Forum

During the SOMAH Public Forum, the SOMAH PA will share program progress and updates while creating an opportunity for program stakeholders and participants to ask questions, share concerns and provide feedback.

Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Job Seekers, Job training organizations, Potential partners, Property owners, Stakeholders, Tenants

Event Type: Webinar

01:00 pm


TE workshop


Tenant Education Training

How do you successfully complete SOMAH’s Tenant Education Requirement and help your tenants be more comfortable with the changes happening in their building?  

This webinar will help contractors and property owners by sharing tips and tactics for communicating and connecting with tenant communities.

Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Property owners

Event Type: Webinar

11:00 am