Non-Profit Housing (NPH) Training: Energy Efficiency Unleashed Webinar

Discover solutions to help ease the financial burden of rising energy costs on California's low-income residents and owners. This workshop delves into energy saving programs and incentive layering, which is the strategy of combining multiple initiatives to maximize benefits and reduce utility costs for affordable housing communities.
Learn about programs like ESA Multifamily Energy Savings, Low Income Weatherization (LIWP), and Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH), that can be combined to maximize savings potential, as well as their eligibility and application processes.
Expert presenters will highlight successful case studies, demonstrate how to layer incentives for greater savings, and provide customer testimonials that illustrate the opportunities and impact of energy savings programs. The workshop will conclude with a dynamic Q&A session, encouraging engagement and discussion on best practices to advance equity, efficiency, and sustainability in affordable housing.
Audience: Property owners
Event Type: Webinar