man speaking at an event

6 Tips for Working With Affordable Housing Organizations

SOMAH eligible contractors work closely with multifamily affordable housing providers throughout the application process. Knowing what to expect beforehand and how to engage with them will make the process easier.

Educational Resource
PPA provider

Power Purchase Agreement Providers

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are a type of third-party ownership for solar systems. The SOMAH Program maintains a list of pre-approved PPA providers.

electrical outlet

Maneras Sencillas De Ahorrar Energía En El Hogar

Conservar energía puede ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo sus créditos solares para que pueda ahorrar aún más en su factura de electricidad. Este video ofrece consejos sencillos para ahorrar energía en tu hogar.

apartment building

Energy Efficiency Tips for SOMAH Tenants

Conserving energy can help you get the most out of the solar credits you receive from your SOMAH solar PV system. This video provides simple tips to help tenants conserve energy in their home and save money on their electric bills.

Educational Resource
solar contractor in hard hat

SOMAH Application Guide

Use this application guide to navigate through SOMAH’s application portal, PowerClerk. The guide provides step-by-step instructions of how to submit each application milestone.

property eligibility ebook cover

Property Eligibility Requirements

Receive assistance on how to meet SOMAH eligibility criteria and satisfy all program requirements.

Success Story
Emerald Cove apartment building

Continued Tenant Education Helps Residents Maximize SOMAH Benefits

Learn how SOMAH PA’s continued tenant education workshop at Emerald Cove Apartments ensures direct economic benefits for tenants.

Success Story
group of people standing in front of an apartment

SOMAH Program Helps Bring Renewable Energy to San Jose Community

Learn how EAH Housing installed a solar PV system providing financial benefits for tenants.

Jesse Garcia

Standout SOMAH Job Trainee Recruited as Full-time Solar Installer

Job Trainee Jesse Garcia found his SOMAH experience opened doors to a new career and long-term opportunities working in solar. Read about how he stepped up.