The California Housing Partnership's Solar 101 Institute is a free virtual event that aims to train affordable housing developers on the basics of multifamily solar PV.

10:00 am PST


Rachael Diaz,

event Solar 101 Institute: Part 2

The California Housing Partnership's Solar 101 Institute is a free virtual event that aims to train affordable housing developers on the basics of multifamily solar PV. The Solar 101 Institute will break down important considerations for each phase of the solar project as well as provide an opportunity to hear from affordable housing providers who have successfully implemented solar installations on multifamily housing.

Part II: Solar PV Implementation Case Studies and Financing Forum 

Part II consists of a sample project feasibility analysis and peer share by affordable housing providers who have implemented solar installations, followed by a forum for questions and answers with contacts from California’s affordable housing solar financing programs. Topics of discussion include: 

  • Solar project analysis and feasibility 
  • Installing solar PV on new or existing multifamily affordable housing buildings (peer share)
  • Landscape of solar financing options and funding programs Q&A (SOMAH, LIWP, CAMR and BQuest)

This session is intended for affordable housing development and management professionals including asset managers, project managers, real estate directors, maintenance supervisors, operations and sustainability staff. Participation will be limited to these groups. 

Training is 2 hours and held via Zoom. This is a live, interactive event – no recording will be made available.

There is a single registration for both Part I and Part II of the Institute.


Register Here


Audience: Property owners
Event Type: Webinar