Public Forum
The purpose of the SOMAH Public Forum is to share program progress and updates and to provide an opportunity for program stakeholders and participants to ask questions, share concerns and provide feedback. It includes a program status update and highlights some of the program’s successes from its first year. This forum also includes a session on SOMAH’s equity and environmental justice goals, reviewing the program’s partnerships with community-based and job training organizations to support tenant education and job trainee placement and seeking input on planned activities in these areas. This forum will be held remotely.
The forum is ideally suited for multifamily affordable housing property owners and managers, solar contractors, community-based organizations (affordable housing, environmental justice, tenants' rights, etc.), investor-owned utilities, community choice aggregators and job training organizations interested in getting program updates and providing feedback to the SOMAH Program Administrator.
- 1:00 - 1:10 p.m. Welcome & introductions
- 1:10 - 1:45 p.m. Session 1: SOMAH One Year Later: Building a Resilient California
- Program update
- Q&A/discussion
- 1:45 - 2:15 p.m. Session 2: SOMAH Centers Equity and Environmental Justice in the Solar Industry (part 1)
- Recap: SOMAH’s diversity, equity and environmental justice goals and program benefits
- Q&A/discussion
- 2:15 - 2:30 p.m. Break
- 2:30 - 3:25 p.m. Session 2: SOMAH Centers Equity and Environmental Justice in the Solar Industry (part 2)
- SOMAH’s partnerships to support tenant education and trainee outreach
- Q&A/discussion
- 3:25 - 3:35 p.m. Looking Ahead & Next Steps
- SOMAH as part of a climate resilient future for California
- How to stay connected
Audience: Community-based organizations, Contractors, Job Seekers, Job training organizations, Potential partners, Property owners, Stakeholders, Tenants
Event Type: Forum