Public Forum
Attend the SOMAH Public Forum as the SOMAH Program Administrator shares program progress, outlines proposed updates via the SOMAH Program Handbook and provides time for you to ask questions, share concerns and provide feedback. This forum will be held remotely. SOMAH’s Public Forums occur quarterly at various locations throughout California.
The forum is ideally suited for multifamily affordable housing property owners and managers, solar contractors, community-based organizations (affordable housing, environmental justice, tenants' rights, etc.), investor-owned utilities, community choice aggregators and job training organizations interested in getting program updates and providing feedback on proposed SOMAH Program Handbook updates to the SOMAH Program Administrator.
- 1:00-1:10 p.m. Welcome & Introductions
- 1:10-1:25 p.m. Program updates
- Report-out on key program stats and highlights to-date
- 1:25-1:55 p.m. COVID-19 Response & Listening Session
- Program updates and discussion
- 1:55-2:05 p.m. Break
- 2:05-3:20 p.m. Handbook Changes
- Overview of handbook changes
- Deep dive into substantive handbook changes
- Q&A
- 3:20-3:30 p.m. Wrap Up/Closing/Next Steps
- Overview of next steps in the process, how to stay connected to process, etc.
Audience: Contractors, Potential partners, Property owners, Stakeholders
Event Type: Forum